
Фестываль Дах – Крах ХХ

23 красавіка 2013 года а 17 гадзіне ў Музеі сучаснага выяўленчага мастацтва (пр.Незалежнасці,47) адбудзецца адкрыццё Міжнароднага фестывалю саверсізму й ігдрасілізму ДАХ-КРАХ-ХХ “Напрыканцы канца…” ДАХ нарадзіўся ў берлінскай арт-сядзібе “ТАХЕЛЕС” у 2001 годзе, дзе ўпершыню прайшоў як, магчыма, адна з самых буйных выставак беларускага мастацтва па-за межамі краіны. З той пары ДАХ стаў сваесаблівым культурным мастом паміж […]


«pARTisan» святкуе сваё 10-годдзе!

30 красавіка, а 19-й гадзіне Галерэя сучаснага мастацтва «Ў» (пр. Незалежнасці, 37а) Напрыканцы афіцыйнай часткі святкавання 10-годдзя альманаха «pARTisan» выступаю разам з Pavel Ambiont [Foundamental Network, Force Carriers] Напрацягу ўсяго дня будзе дзейнічаць выстава, прысвечаная гісторыі Альманаха. Уваход вольны! Паўстаўшы ў 2002 годзе пад гукі мантры сучаснага беларускага арта «нічога няма», год за годам знакаміты […]


Orient_aKcja: Belarus – Belarusian independent electronic music scene

During three days from 8th to 10th of March 2013 more that 120 cultural operators from 17 European counties have been working on new models of cooperation and the concept of the II Eastern Partnership Culture Congress during the International Seminar “Culture for the Eastern Partnership” which was held in Lublin. The programme of the […]

artes liberales_1

Artes Liberales 2013. Author: Reloaded

This year, Artes Liberales will take place in Minsk, Belarus from 12-28 February at ў Gallery of Contemporary Art. EHU’s Artes Liberales program demonstrates the importance of the liberal arts in the development of an individual’s capacity to think clearly, critically, and creatively; to judge and act wisely and ethically; and to communicate clearly and effectively. The sessions will […]


Круглый стол и дискуссия «Исследуя пространство Вильнюса с LitPro»

Круглый стол представляет собой презентацию проектов по исследованию пространства Вильнюса, реализованных на базе ЕГУ при поддержке LitPro в 2012 г. Все проекты объединены общей идеей поиска возможных путей переосмысления городского пространства через интервенции, арт-практики и аудиовизуальные технологии. Авторами проектов являются студенты, выпускники и преподаватели ЕГУ и других литовских университетов. Цель – определить возможность использования подобных […]


Постигая театр

Одним из главных моих интересов всегда был видео-арт, особенно созданный женщинами. Последние пару лет сама занимаюсь виджеингом – создавая визуальное сопровождение для электронной музыки. Мне интересен не «клубный» формат аудио-видео перформанса (музыка + виджеинг как визуальный фон\иллюстрация музыки), а что-то более сложное – тем более, что, помимо музыки, иной раз есть необходимость «визуализировать» поэтический текст […]

no video, no photo

Urban A/V rhythms: group projects

While people inhabiting the city use many languages to understand themselves and their environment, the city itself talks to them in its own language of signs, lights and rhythms. How do we read the city’s messages, how do we feel its rhythms? What tales does the city want to share? The everyday urban polyrhythmia was […]


LitPro Summer School

LitPro Summer School “City, Language, Identity” For whom: students from the fields of the social sciences, urban studies, visual and cultural studies, architecture, photography, media studies, film studies, etc., with experience in research or creative work on questions similar to the ones the School poses. Where: Vilnius, Lithuania. When: August 10-17, 2012 Deadline: July 15, […]

PLASTER 3 Festival

Plaster 3 festival

Plaster 3 festival @ CSW Znaki Czasu (Torun, Poland – 23.05.2012) Festival curator: Krzysztof Białowicz Events: / 4 exhibitions: CoCA grandfloor, CoCA 3 floor, CoCA Terrace, CoCA Art Boulevard / Conference Dizajn Dialogu / Typography workshops The description of the project here video frames:   Open publication – Free publishing


Artes Liberales – EHU days

Artes Liberales – EHU days at Y Gallery (Minsk, BY) playing there with pavel ambiont on 3rd and 19th of may.


Centras festival – Kaunas, Lithuania

13.04.2012 – Solar Olga & Pavel Ambiont play at Centras – international multimedia art & music festival (Kaunas, LT – Kino teatras “Romuva”). Centras festival website event @ facebook event @ last.fm UPD: video fragment tephra / poison / effervescence @ centras festival from nieviadomy artyst on Vimeo.


solar olga & pavel ambiont @ laboratorio symbolon, barcelona

Circuitro Electrovisiones in collaboration with Laboratorio Symbolon and Foundamental Network present: Pavel Ambiont & Solar Olga (foundamental network, Belarus) – Audiovisial concert “Irrhythmia” 20:00, 26.11.2011, Barcelona, Spain CIRCUITRO ELECTROVISIONES EN COLABORACION CON LABORATORIO SYMBOLON Y FUNDAMENTAL NETWORK PRESENTAN: Concierto Audiovisial Irrhythmia por Pavel Ambiont & Solar Olga (foundamental network, Belarus) Sábado 26 de noviembre 20:00hrs. […]


Irrhythmia performance @ LPM Minsk 2011 – photo

Photo from solar olga & pavel ambiont  performance “irrhythmia“at Live Performers Meeting – Minsk (“Ў” Gallery, 22.09.2011) photo: Azael Ferrer Gordo photo: Vika Scherbakova


LPM Minsk – 22-25.09.2011

LPM offers a unique chance to be involved in four days of av performances, vjing, workshops, panel discussions, product showcase which will bring together an amazing community of vjs, audiovisual artists, new media practitioners and thinkers worldwide. LPM will offer an insightful and surprising program, highlighting diverse artistic practices every day while fostering the sharing […]


Belarusian Space @ Klaipeda, Lithuania (29-31.07.11)

solar olga & pavel ambiont @ ‘Belarusian Space’ – Klaipeda, Lithuania (29-31.07.11) see report (in Belarusian) about the event in 34mag.net


Deep Dub II @ Dirty Deal Riga (13.08.2011)

DEEP DUB II – techno dub grooves @ Dirty Deal, Riga, Latvia (13.08.2011) 23.00 – ECHOCHORUS 01:00 – PAVEL AMBIONT & VJ SOLAR OLGA (BY) 03:00 – ÅRNO  


Opening The Doors – Belarus Sound Art in Poland

The description of the project here 22.07 – ambient/spoken-word audio-visual set with solar olga @ Zacheta Gallery (Warszawa, PL) – http://www.zacheta.art.pl/article/view/398/koncert Photos of Kim_Nasung@facebook


irrhythmia 7.2 – solar olga & pavel ambiont @ LPM Rome

irrhythmia 7.2 – pavel ambiont & solar olga @ LPM Rome   ‘irrhythmia 7.2’ – pavel ambiont & solar olga @ LPM Rome, 20.05.2011 from nieviadomy artyst on Vimeo. video fragment from AV set played at Live Performers Meeting IX – Rome, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, 20.05.11. track: ‘irrhythmia (part 7.2)’


LPM Rome – 20.05.2011

  20.05.2011: irrhythmia | LPM Rome 2011 – LIVE PERFORMERS MEETING solar olga – visuals. pavel ambiont – techno/dub/step, field recs & ambient poetry.