LitPro Summer School “City, Language, Identity”
For whom: students from the fields of the social sciences, urban studies, visual and cultural studies, architecture, photography, media studies, film studies, etc., with experience in research or creative work on questions similar to the ones the School poses.
Where: Vilnius, Lithuania.
When: August 10-17, 2012
Deadline: July 15, 2012
The LitPro Summer School “City, Language, Identity” creates a context for the multidimensional research of the cultural and social geography of Vilnius to find out what is packed into the notion of the multicultural and multilingual character of the city. The major idea of the Summer School is to deliberately ground the practices of cultural identity building and exchange via language within the urban scale, and not within the scale of the nation-state, as has usually been done. The topics that will be covered by research groups during the week-long series of intensive workshop, lectures and field work include the following: “Tourism”, “Lost, Found and Shared Items: scenarios for interactions”, “The industry and the community of ‘Russian pop’ in Vilnius”, “Urban Texts”, “Urban Audio-visual Rhythms”.
Tutors: Jekaterina Lavrinec, Siarhei Liubimau, Ben Cope, Veronika Urbonaitė-Barkauskienė, Pavel Niakhayeu, Volha Salakheyeva.
Experts: Rafal Siderski, Joanna Kinowska
Lecturer: Felix Ackermann
Please see the attached PDF file for more information.
Update: Project outcomes